Screen Printing Workshop


The class was conducted in a screen printing facility to give the students hands-on experience with screen printing techniques. This entire exercise was very student-centric and the experience turned out to be very exciting and engaging for all the students even for the laziest ones as everyone had to prepare his or her own prints.

The entire process involved multiple steps such as creating a digital design, getting their negatives ready through photographic processing in the darkroom, creating the colors of choice through mixing pigments, transferring the designs on various surfaces such as papers and t-shirts. Students were also helping each other out throughout the process and were very curious as well to see how everyone's prints turn out.

This exercise proved to be very effective and constructive learning experience as compared to a traditional classroom setup and a lecture delivery. Students showed immense interest for more of these sort of assignments which are fun as well productive.


Type Pattern


Vertica - Typeface Design